Birth Photography is amazing. I am so incredibly proud that three little babes call me Mama, but when you give birth, the experience and perspective is incredibly different than that of the person(s) in the room waiting with anticipation. Birth portraits are so beautiful. It’s an opportunity to capture raw expression and firsts that will forever be cherished by the family as memories for a lifetime. Everything happens so incredibly fast- well, maybe not the actual laboring, but the moments when the baby arrives. Can you remember all the details leading up to the birth of your child? Dad’s expression? Mom’s look in her eyes? How you felt?
There are many hours invested- not always, but usually. You wait. The anticipation is intense. The labor is intense. It is exhausting, even for Dad. There is pain, a lot of pain and there are laughs. And then, the moment arrives when the midwife says, “you’re at 10.”
After just a few pushes and making giving birth look easy, this Mom + Dad welcomed a beautiful son to the world. I am honored to have been there, to shoot birth portraits and it never becomes any less amazing that someone so very tiny can silence an entire room. to schedule a portrait session.
If you enjoy my work, your comments are always appreciated.